Zearn Math is a rigorous math curriculum that teaches math as big, connected math ideas.
Zearn Math is based on Eureka Math / Engage NY, the most highly-rated and widely-used curriculum available. Zearn is the only ed-tech learning experience that is based on a top-tier curriculum, and was recently rated a Tier 1 curricular resource by the Louisiana Department of Education. Zearn digital lessons and small group instruction materials are designed to teach math concepts as connected ideas, building deep understanding.
Zearn Math is a personalized curriculum for every student.
With Zearn Math, students learn new concepts in two ways: through Independent Digital Lessons and Small Group Instruction with their teacher. While working through Digital Lessons, students learn a new concept at their own pace through fluency, guided practice, and independent practice. This learning is balanced by small group instruction with their teacher; teachers teach the same lesson they would have taught to the whole group, but in a small group they are more able to deeply engage with each student and better meet the range of learners in their classroom. By learning in these two formats daily, every student receives personalized instruction.
Zearn Math is built so children come to know they are competent learners.
Zearn Math is designed to teach children that making mistakes is a critical part of the learning process and that with effort, they can learn anything. When a student struggles with a concept in a Zearn digital lesson, they work through personalized remediation paths that provide precise feedback and opportunities to try again. During small group instruction, teachers lead rigorous math discussions around each day’s lesson, and are able to provide supportive feedback to reach and challenge each student. Through this combination of Independent Digital Lessons and Small Group Instruction, students practice and develop their math reasoning, learn multiple strategies to solve a problem, and build their math confidence.
We created Zearn Math so all kids can learn and love math. We do this by offering an internationally-normed, rigorous curriculum that personalizes math learning and math teaching.
Every decision we make at Zearn supports equity.
Zearn is a nonprofit with a model that ensures Zearn Math is accessible to all. From a technology standpoint, Zearn Math is web-based and available to anyone with an internet connection. From a cost perspective, Zearn has a sustainable model that ensures Zearn Math is for free for teachers and families, while supporting schools and districts with Zearn for Schools products, including School Accounts, Professional Development, and Printed Classroom Materials.