RISC-V Toolchain and Compiler Optimization Techniques (LFD113x)

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This course begins with an introduction to the compiler toolchain and concepts of cross-compilation. You will learn how to use popular compiler toolchains (both LLVM and GCC) to build RISC-V applications. You will also learn how to debug toolchain issues and what resources to consult when you need help. This course will help you optimize applications for code size or performance and gain an understanding of the demands of applications with instrumentation techniques.

This course is designed for engineers working with RISC-V vendors who are designing their own architectures, and those using RISC-V development boards to build applications. It is also useful for RISC-V application developers looking to improve performance or reduce the code size of their applications, as well as toolchain developers, compiler engineers/performance engineers, and computer science students aspiring to major in systems software.

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Jul 2023
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