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Common Core
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Spelling Classroom is an interactive spelling & vocabulary  program that rewards student effort and makes it easy for teachers to create, assign, assess and manage word lists.

Spelling Classroom offers a LOT!

  • Create custom word lists and/or select from 2,600+ preloaded lists
  • Customize weekly lessons from 31+ interactive fun learning modules
  • Robust reporting on student activities – search, sort and download
  • Take lessons offline with our printables – includes answer key for teachers
  • Create handwriting printables – even cursive!
  • Differentiated instruction with visual progress clues
  • Teachers can assign specific lists to students
  • Teachers can leave student and classroom messages
  • Celebrate student success with our 94+ reward games
  • Customizable (turn learning modules On/Off)
  • Test settings – passing grade, retries and specific day availability
  • Sentence & paragraph writing lessons
  • Pen & Paper Spelling Test module simulates a traditional spelling test

Spelling Classroom is a K-12 online educational program designed to dramatically improve long-term retention of spelling and vocabulary words. We teach words to mastery. How? By leveraging interactive technologies that convert lessons to fun, multisensory experiences, Spelling Classroom presents the “learning” of words in a gamified environment. Students are motivated to learn more, all the while building a solid literacy foundation that makes it easier to become fluid readers and writers.

If you are looking for something new and transformative, you found it!  Sign-up today and see for yourself why over 700,000+ teachers and students use Spelling Classroom.

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Mar 2023
This resource has religious influence.

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About SpellingClassroom.com

Spelling Classroom makes learning fun by taking a traditionally boring subject and standing it on its head with interactivity and a reward based game page. In our program, students get rewarded with game coins for each lesson completed and test or quiz passed. Students also have a customizable avatar that is displayed in our game page should a student achieve a high score rank. This creates a competitive environment in Spelling Classroom motivating students to complete more lessons and earn more coins…all the while gaining mastery over words and expanding their literacy foundation.

Our program further distinguishes itself from other online resources by also presenting creative writing opportunities to students, handwriting printables (with cursive!) and the option for teachers to assign specific lists to individual students – tailored differentiation. With so much on offer, what are you waiting for?

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