In this course, you will learn how to use strategic marketing and personal branding techniques for designing, enhancing, and promoting your professional image. Acting as “your own Chief Executive Officer” (P. Drucker), you will learn how to use relationship and network marketing and impression management to showcase your skills to prospective employers, colleagues, supervisors, and other interested parties. This course will help you to: – Recognize the importance of marketing orientation and career brand building for your career development; use marketing communication strategies for your self-marketing; – Implement strategic marketing planning for your career development and engage in creating your own strategic self-marketing plan; – Devise strategies for managing your professional reputation; begin creating your personal brand, and plan steps for strategic personal branding; – Create personal branding statements, and integrate social networking into your career branding; – Refine your self-management information system to systematically collect and analyze self-marketing and personal branding related data, select appropriate tools and apply them for a thorough, accurate, evidence-based and data driven self-assessment of your self-marketing and personal branding skills; – Develop and implement an effective instrument for displaying your artifacts and monitoring your marketing communications strategies (“The Showcaser”) and a realistic performance metric for evaluating your career brand building activities (“The Career Brand Equity Builder”).
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SUNY was created out of a commitment to opportunity and access, and designed to meet diverse needs across a vast geographic landscape. We reflect both the land grant mission reborn and a reputation for embracing new thinking and brighter ideals. Our faculty and students are constantly seeking, generating, analyzing, and sending knowledge back into the world through informed citizens, revitalized communities, and experts who transform entire sectors.
SUNY’s colleges and universities are state-supported and our graduates have been giving back and transforming the lives of local and global citizens since we were established over 65 years ago. Millions of SUNY alumni are working in their communities every day, changing and improving the world with exceptional contributions—whether defined as a medical breakthrough, a technological innovation, an inspirational piece of art, or the birth of a new business.