AngularJS is a javascript framework for building web applications. It is a Model View Controller (MVC) framework which helps in organization of code and provides structure for application development. AngularJS bindings to html elements make it easy to build dynamic user interfaces.
AngularJS controllers control the data of an application. A controller is a javascript object that contains properties and methods. The controller makes data available to the template and it handles the user input.
The template is the HTML with AngularJS directives and bindings. Directives are markers on HTML tags that tell AngularJS to attach a specific behavior to that DOM element or even transform the DOM element and its children.
AngularJS services are javascript objects that can be used to share data and behavior across the application. Services are singletons and they are lazy loaded. A service is created when it is first needed and it is destroyed when the application is finished with it.
AngularJS filters are used to format the data before it is displayed to the user. Filters can be used in controllers, services and directives.