Research in animal behavior is often conducted in an attempt to better understand the evolutionary history of various species, as well as how they interact with their environments. This can be accomplished through field studies, which observe wild animals in their natural habitats, or laboratory studies, which control various aspects of the animals' environments. The behavior of animals is often analyzed in terms of how it helps them survive and reproduce in their particular environments.
A wide variety of methods are used to study animal behavior, including ethology (the study of animal behavior in naturalistic settings), behavioral ecology (the study of how animals' behavior affects their interactions with their environment), and behavior genetics (the study of how genes influence behavior). Animal behavior research has had a significant impact on our understanding of human behavior as well, particularly in the areas of evolutionary psychology and animal learning.
Animal behavior research can be divided into three main focus areas: captive or laboratory research, field research, and Applied Animal Behavior.
Captive or laboratory research focuses on the study of animal behavior in a controlled environment. This type of research is important for understanding how animals interact with their environment and with other animals.
Field research focuses on the study of animal behavior in natural environments. This type of research is important for understanding how animals interact with their environment and with other animals in the wild.
Applied Animal Behavior research focuses on the practical applications of animal behavior knowledge. This type of research is important for understanding how to solve problems related to animal behavior.