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About Corda

Corda is a distributed ledger platform designed to record, manage and automate legal agreements between business partners. It is vision is to provide a single source of truth for agreements and other shared data, while maintaining privacy and security. Corda's key features include:

  • Decentralized: Corda is built on a decentralized network of nodes, so there is no central authority. This allows for greater security and resilience.
  • Distributed: Corda distributes ledgers across the network, so each node has a complete copy of the ledger. This allows for fast and secure payments.
  • Scalable: Corda can scale to support millions of users and transactions.
  • Interoperable: Corda is designed to be interoperable with other blockchain platforms.
  • Flexible: Corda's modular design allows for customizations to meet specific needs.

Corda's key innovations are its innovative consensus mechanism and its use of advanced cryptography to ensure data privacy. Corda's consensus model is based on the concept of a "notary circle" which allows businesses to come to agreement without the need for a centralised third party. This makes Corda's platform ideal for use cases where trust is paramount, such as in the financial sector. Corda's use of cryptography also allows it to provide a high degree of data privacy, which is essential for many business use cases.

Learning Corda