Decimals are a way of representing fractions of whole numbers. In other words, decimals are a way of expressing numbers that are not whole numbers. Decimals are written using a decimal point, which is a dot (.) that is used to separate the whole number part of a decimal from the fractional part of the decimal. The number to the left of the decimal point is the whole number part of the decimal, and the number to the right of the decimal point is the fractional part of the decimal.
Decimals are used in many everyday situations, such as when we buy things in a store, or when we measure things. Measuring things is a common use of decimals, because often what we are measuring is not a whole number, but a fraction of a whole number. For example, when we measure the length of something, we might say that it is two and a half centimeters long. In this case, the number 2.5 is a decimal, because it is a number that is not a whole number.
There are many games and activities that can be used to help learn about decimals. Decimals can be thought of as money, so games that involve money are often good for learning about decimals. In addition, there are many online games and activities that can be used to help learn about decimals.