
Organic Chemistry

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About Organic Chemistry

Organic Chemistry is the study of the structure, properties, composition, reactions, and preparation of organic compounds. Organic compounds are molecules that contain carbon. They are found in all living things and make up the majority of the human body.

Organic Chemistry is a branch of chemistry that deals with the structure, properties, composition, reactions, and preparation of organic compounds. Organic chemistry is divided into subdisciplines by the type of molecule or the nature of the problem under study:

  • Organic synthesis: The design and construction of organic molecules for specific purposes.
  • Organic reactions: The study of organic reactions and the mechanisms by which they take place.
  • Natural product chemistry: The isolation, structure elucidation, and synthesis of biologically active natural products.
  • Organic spectroscopy: The study of the absorption and emission of electromagnetic radiation by organic molecules.
  • Bioorganic chemistry: The study of the structure, function, and synthesis of biomolecules.
  • Formatting: The study of the electronic structure of organic molecules and how it affects their properties and reactivity..

Learning Organic Chemistry