Create and implement engaging content

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Common Core
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Content Strategy uses credible, trustworthy, transparent media to communicate stories and information to enhance an organization’s strategic goals. In this sequence of courses, you will learn best practices from recognized industry and academic experts on how to create and implement engaging content across media platforms that the people you want to reach will really value. The Specialization concludes with a Capstone project that allows you to apply the skills you’ve learned throughout the courses in response to a real challenge facing organizations today.
To fit easily into busy schedules, the sequence is constructed as four, three-week courses to better fit into any lifestyle. It is a program for you as a professional to master and then be able to use what you learn here and take it back to work. It’s knowledge that will improve both your effectiveness, and your organization’s.
While the Specialization sequence and Capstone Project is a paid service, each of the individual courses can be taken for free. To enroll in any single course free of charge, click on the following course to navigate to its enrollment page: 1-Engaging Audiences, 2-Managing Content, 3-Expanding Your Content’s Reach, 4-Ensuring Your Content’s Impact.

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Mar 2023
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