If a student has done a lot of singing at home or in school and has reached the age of eight or older, we recommend beginning with Level III. Included in this set are one round and two songs in two-part harmony. There are two German songs and a Christmas carol in Italian and English. Many students and parents have mentioned that this is their favorite set. It has been very helpful to adults who have never learned to sing in harmony.
Dr. Suzuki always said it is important for students to hear the piece many times before learning it. The same is true for singing songs and with each harmony part. That’s why we recorded all the parts separately for greater ease in learning them. Families love to sing “Swing Low, Sweet Chariot” with a descant (a higher part to be sung above the melody).
“Over the River and Through the Woods” is a great holiday song and a good time to introduce a few choice hand gestures.
Students can sing along with the voice tracks on the audio CD until they know the songs and then with the accompaniment tracks only. Each of the books have music sheets with the chords; however, if you prefer to play with the music written out, a Level III Piano Accompaniment Book is available.
Welcome to the Institute for Excellence in Writing!
Our mission is to equip teachers and teaching parents with methods and materials which will aid them in training their students to become confident and competent communicators and thinkers.
Using the four language arts—listening, speaking, reading, and writing—IEW methods have been proven to be effective for students of all ages and levels of ability, including those who are gifted, have special needs, or are English language learners.
Listen. Speak. Read. Write. Think!